Just a Prairie Girl who loves wine
Who Am I?
I am just a girl who grew up on the prairies spending a lot of hours on my friends’ farms. I grew up with an appreciation of taking things from the earth and making something with it. Now granted my friends grew wheat, barley, cattle and milked cows, they did not grow grapes, but still, it all started with one seed or a cow + bull and ended up with something on our table.
"When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of human civilization."
~Daniel Webster
Fast-forward a few years (I won’t say how many) I found myself living in a condo in Calgary Alberta, with three house plants and a few failed attempts at growing herbs on my deck. I felt disconnected to the earth. I also felt a little bored with my current career and wondered where I should go from here. A friend invited me to a manifestation style seminar in California (if you are not into self-help style things, feel free to groan here), what I found from that seminar, is it asked me some tough questions, ones that we don’t really ask ourselves on a daily basis. It also gave me the space to envision a different life for myself. I left the event still without a real direction but with a lot of ideas and possibilities floating in my brain.

A few weeks afterwards I woke up in the morning and a thought popped into my head, “B (that is what I call myself) you should own a vineyard.” That thought brought a smile to my face and calmness to my brain. It still does and that was a few years ago. So began my dream of owning a vineyard.
Now a vineyard is not just something that you can just turn around and buy. Or I couldn’t anyway with my current finances. So how could I start working towards that dream…go to school and learn about the growing of grapes and making of wine. So I recruited a friend to come with me (because wine especially is better with a friend) and we took the first three levels of the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) course. Holy cow, was there ever a lot to learn about the growing of grapes and making of wine.
Once people knew that I knew a little bit about wine, they started to ask me all sorts of questions and wanted me to recommend them wine. I found myself having the same conversation over and over…so the idea popped into my head to start having these conversations virtually and try to help people find their inner wino. There is a wine for every person, we just need to help you find it, cultivate it and appreciate it. So please join me in the journey in finding your inner wino.
~ B
(aka The Prairie Wino)